Load-Shedding Solutions to Prevent Skimmer Overflow from RareFish Marines

Many skimmers rely on a pre-determined water level range in the sump to operate effectively.  If the water level is below the range then the “skimmate” will not be pushed high enough within the skimmer column to overflow into the collection cup.  If the water level is above the range, then the “skimmate” will be pushed too high and quickly overflow the collection cup.  If an overflow occurs, then the “skimmate” already in the collection cup will effectively be rinsed out and returned to the aquarium system.

Skimmer overflow is a very unwelcome outcome that often occurs after load-shedding when the power comes back on. At this point, the water level in the sump is still too high as the return pump has not reached its equilibrium operating level. Simultaneously, the skimmer turns on, quickly fills up the collection cup and dumps any accumulated “skimmate” back into the aquarium.  Further, the collection cup remains full of water and consequently does not collect further “skimmate” until it is has been emptied and cleaned. This is obviously very unsatisfactory.

There are two excellent solutions available to counteract this problem.  Firstly, a time delay switch that allows the return pump to reach its equilibrium point before the skimmer turns back on.  Secondly, a level sensor for the skimmer collection cup that switches off the skimmer before overflow occurs.

Both solutions are available from RareFish Marines in the following products.

Time Delay Switch : The Reef Factory Power Switcher (RRP R565.00 now less 10%)
The Reef Factory Power Switcher is a versatile, programmable power socket that can be remotely programmed to switch aquarium devices on and off at certain times.  It also has a time delay feature in the event of power failure to prevent skimmer overflow for the reasons discussed above.

This is an ideal solution for managing skimmer activity for two reasons. Firstly, to delay the switching on of the skimmer until the equilibrium water level has been reached.  Secondly, for those reefers who like to conveniently switch off the skimmer for a measured period of time during feeding without manual intervention.

The H2Ocean Skimmer Guardian (RRP R1,795.00 now less 10%)
The H2Ocean Skimmer Guardian uses an optical sensor with a magnetic mount that can be adjusted to the desired “safe” level on the skimmer collection cup.  The sensor is mounted externally and no modifications are required on the skimmer.  When the “skimmate” reaches the set level on the collection cup, then the Guardian powers down the skimmer until the cup can be emptied and cleaned.

The Skimmer Guardian is a robust solution to protect against skimmer overflow for any reason, not just power failure.

Both products are currently on special. Please enquire your local fish store or contact us at RareFish Marines.

083 231-6830

